Friday, May 11, 2018

An Answer to Our Prayers

"Teacher, I feel it at that time."  

This was a former student's response when I told him how my friend Caroline and I always prayed for our students.  We would pray that they would know Jesus and feel His love during their week with us at school.  A lot of the time, we have no way of knowing how God answered those prayers but when I ran into Gavin recently at the night market, God gave me a glimpse of one answer.

Gavin came to my school four years ago.  Caroline and I went to visit him and his classmates in their village afterwards.  We kept in touch over the years and continued to pray for him.  Then one day a couple years back, we noticed that there had been big changes in Gavin's attitude and actions.  When we asked why, he said that God had changed his life. 

Fast forward to the other week when I ran into this 8th grader.  He began spilling over with joy, sharing what grace and love Jesus had shown him and how he wanted to share that same Love with others.  

As this eighth grader thanked me for praying and sharing with him, I realized - God had been using our prayers for years now.  In fact, He has shown His love and truth to Gavin and is now using Gavin to reach others.

God uses you and He uses me.  As Mother Teresa said, "I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."  Keep on believing that He is writing that love letter through you wherever you are!


Joanna Suich has been serving with VOICE Missions since February 2013.  As a child, she attempted to dig her way to China, but only made it two feet in before her mom called her to dinner.  Although Joanna never made it to China, God did bring her nearby to the island of Taiwan.  She has a heart for all things involving missions, juvenile delinquents and adventures.  God has placed Hualien in her heart and it's home now.  She currently is doing college online as she volunteers, majoring in social work.  If you're looking for Joanna, check the local village or orphanage and you'll probably find her there - playing, tutoring and sharing Christ's love and truth.

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