Saturday, January 6, 2018

Knowing Carl

It’s impossible to describe Carl in just one word.  I tried but it just can’t be done.  Every Wednesday, this rambunctious, mischievous, fireball of a kid makes his grand entrance into class.  His bright eyes are full of life and laughter.  He never sits still for long and his arms and legs are always in motion.  I never know quite what to expect.  Every grand entrance is unique and always a surprise. 

Carl is in first grade and he lives at an orphanage I’ve volunteered at since 2014.  I don’t know his background or why he and his brother are at the orphanage.  All I know is that he’s been there for years.  All I know is that he needs attention and a lot of love.
Carl’s antics in class are always…exciting.  I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore by what this kid does.  The other week he got ahold of my reward stickers.  I turned around to find 20 stickers plastered across his stomach.  He proudly showed me and flexed his little muscles too.  Then there’s the time he took my game cards and put them in the toilet.  He was so pleased with himself when he pulled them, sopping wet, out of the toilet and placed them in my lap before I could protest.

Despite all the mischief Carl gets in and the bad attitude he often shows me, God has given me such a love for this little first grader.  I know it’s not my own doing!  I mean, he sometimes drives me crazy and even destroys my teaching materials.  So when I look at Carl, I know it’s not me.  It’s God’s love flowing through me to this orphan.

About three months ago, I started praying more specifically for Carl, his attitude and for him to feel God’s love through me.  Just around that same time, I started noticing a change in this energetic little guy.  Sure, he’s still quite wild and active and crazy at times.  That didn’t change.  I did notice his attitude changed though.  One day Carl marched into class, threw himself into my arms and shouted out that I was his “mama”. 

I paused.  The preciousness of that moment was not lost on me.  This little orphan boy had just called me “mama”.  I stopped and realized that I am probably the closest thing he has to a mom right now.  The impact of that realization is pretty staggering.  In that moment, God reminded me that He is working in this place, in this boy’s life and in mine.  He’s so good and faithful.  I can't wait to see what He does next week at the orphanage!


Joanna Suich has been serving with VOICE Missions since February 2013.  As a child, she attempted to dig her way to China, but only made it two feet in before her mom called her to dinner.  Although Joanna never made it to China, God did bring her nearby to the island of Taiwan!  She has a heart for all things involving missions, orphans, juvenile delinquents and adventures.  God has placed Hualien in her heart and it's home now.  She currently is doing college online as she volunteers, majoring in social work.  If you're looking for Joanna, check the local village or orphanage and you'll probably find her there - playing, tutoring and sharing Christ's love and truth.

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