"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto
all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10
When I came to Taiwan my aim of ministry was leaving a
Christ-like impression on the children. But now I look back on it, I see
so many wonderful things I have overlooked.
My time here teaching the kids and playing with them aren't
the only ways I can minister. God has graciously opened my eyes to all the
different and fun ways I could invest in fellow co-workers, teammate, and
peers. You may not think much of it, but when I go out with a friend for a
coffee date to sit down, relax, and talk about life, it's a good way of
ministering/discipleship. Going out into the field to preach the gospel
to lost people, and hearing out the hardship of a family member of Christ in a
coffee shop are both good. Neither one is better than the other.
I used to think that the only way to minister is to go
out into the boonies, where people use leaves and flowers as clothing, where
the sun never rises, and you never know if you will be martyred. But that's not
true, it's not the only way. If you're like me, please stop beating yourself
up. God sends us fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to disciple and minister
too. Your spiritual needs are extremely important to God! He has been teaching
me not to neglect my brothers/sisters in Christ..."for His sake."
Next time you feel guilty for going out with a friend instead of doing intensive
field laboring for Jesus. don't. Jesus also spent time with His disciples
alone, even when there was a crowd of people mobbing for His attention and
affection. "...especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
Rebecca Thornton is currently serving in Chiayi under VOICE Missions. She enjoys drawing anime, manga, cosplaying, and chasing after
Love this girl! <3