Monday is probably the most disliked day of the week, but for me, it’s my favorite day of the week. On Mondays I get to work with my favorite crazy teacher, Flavia. I am truly lucky to have her as my English co-teacher because for the past two years she has been a homeroom teacher. She is also the same English teacher that my sister Elise had three years ago. “Lucky me too!” as Zack the wolf says in our Hello Kids book. She said that it is an act of God that we are teaching together this year and not a coincidence (she is not a Christian).
“Do you see any truly competent workers? They will serve kings rather than working for ordinary people.”
~Proverbs 22:29
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”
I don’t lose anything, ANYTHING, if I inspire my students to learn English or to work diligently at school or to be respectful and kind. I also don’t lose anything, when I point someone towards Christ. I believe that Christ can do anything through me, as long as I keep my focus on serving those around me. Please keep Flavia in your prayers and pray that God will work through me to witness to her and lead her closer to Christ.
~Joanna Glenn
Joanna is an English teacher in Yuli, Taiwan. She studied at Taylor University where she earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education and she is a certified teacher in the state of Indiana. Teaching in Taiwan for the past two years has opened her eyes to see how big and awesome God’s grace is. She loves teaching and playing with her students.
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